Friday, September 26, 2008


I haven't blogged lately mostly because I didn't have anything to blog about. It's been the same; busy busy busy with life.

BUT, I have something worthy to tell you!!! Guess who won tickets to see NINE INCH NAILS in concert?!! That's right, ME!!!! WOOHOO!!

I've been suffering from "music ADD" so lately I listen to the radio in my car. It was "happy hour" on 98x and Potter(My favorite DJ) was giving away free tickets as long as the caller answered the question right; what was the name of Nine Inch Nails first album? Pretty Hate Machine. At this point I had just parked in the driveway and was hollering "OHMYGOD" outside my car.

My neighbor Keith came running out of his house asking me questions but I just gave him a thumbs up as I continued talking to the DJ. Dumbfounded, my neighbor just stood outside for a few minutes. After I got off the phone, his wife Janell, yelled out the window asking if there was an emergency because they heard me screaming "OHMYGOD" and heard sirens too. HAHAHAHA. Oops!

I am so stoked!! I feel so ecstatic that I could do this for Dan. He already purchased tickets for him and a friend so this means I can go now and his wife's friend can go too!! I'm super stoked!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

"Through Fire and Flames"

In the game Guitar Hero, one of the hardest songs to beat is by Dragonforce called "Through Fire and Flames".

"Through Fire and Flames" couldn't describe the weather here more perfectly.

The weather recently cooled down to an ember but I cannot wait to feel cool wind again.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

But Freud says..

Growing up, as a family, we discussed our dreams. Even if you don't believe in the power of dreams, it's still fun analyzing them and trying to figure out what they mean.

Since this has become a little more than a hobby to me, I read up about it all the time and practice as much as I can.

Lately I've been feeling busy and rushed all the time. It just seems I have no free time to just sit on the couch and space out. I need my space out time but at the same time I'm really enjoying my extra activities. It's very gratifying.

Well since I won't listen to my body, my brain sends me a message in my sleep.

Last night I dreamed several dreams. The first one involved kissing another person other than my husband. And then the second dream involved running away with another man and then pursuing myself as Dan in a mini cooper.

As soon as I woke up I confessed my sins to Dan. I was so upset and distraught.

Freud would say I want to be with another man but that's not true so I'm going to analyze this dream as a metaphor that my life is too stressful and another life just seems rosier so I run away.

So if it seems like I haven't been blogging as much as usual, feel free to smack me.